14 Feb 2019 TIAs Applications are now closed
Update: Applications for the 2019 Technology Impact Awards Are now closed. The TIAs celebrate outstanding companies having a significant impact on the BC tech industry.
Below, you will find a description of all 2019 awards categories with links to the eligibility criteria.
The Technology Impact Awards will take place on June 27th, 2019, when we will celebrate those who are transforming our industry and building the fabric of BC’s vibrant tech ecosystem.
Have a question? Please email tias@wearebctech.com or call 778-874-1456.
Company of the Year – Anchor Success
This award acknowledges a company that is an established leader in the BC technology industry. Winners of this award exemplify financial, strategic, and product or service excellence, and are widely recognized as anchors of the BC’s tech ecosystem.
Company of the Year – Scale Success
This award acknowledges a scaleup tech company that is an emerging leader and role model in the BC technology industry. Winners of this award will likely continue to grow to become the next anchors of BC’s tech ecosystem.
Company of the Year – Growth Success
This award acknowledges a high growth company demonstrating outstanding performance and potential to grow further. With revenue and employee count growing year on year it is exceeding expectations of its investors and has the potential to become a leader in its market. It is a growth role model for BC’s tech ecosystem.
Company of the Year – Startup Success
This award acknowledges an early-stage technology company that has brought something novel and impactful to the market, that is generating revenue, attracting team members and generating significant buzz in BC’s tech ecosystem.
This award acknowledges a technology company that is succeeding on the world stage through the export of technology developed in BC.
The Spirit of BC Tech’s tech sector is bold entrepreneurship, pioneer spirit, succeeding together and true grit, the focus for this year’s award. This award recognizes a technology company that demonstrated true grit in the face of business challenge, experimenting, pivoting and digging in to achieve success. Nominees in this category may be at any stage of lifecycle (startup, growth, scale, anchor).
Excellence in Technology Adoption
This award acknowledges the impact technology adoption can have to significantly improve performance, competitiveness, productivity and employee engagement. Nominees are likely to be companies, but applications are welcome from municipalities, government departments, non- profits and post-secondary institutions. The winner of this award will show how technology improved results and had a positive impact on the whole organization.
Excellence in Technology Innovation
This award acknowledges a company whose technology clearly demonstrates next-level innovation and a breakthrough solution with significant market impact. Nominees in this category may be at any stage of lifecycle (startup, growth, scale, anchor).
This award acknowledges a company whose culture is fundamental to the success of their business, accelerating growth and profitability and deepening the positive impact they have on the ecosystem and community. Nominees in this category may be at any stage of lifecycle (startup, growth, scale, anchor).
This award celebrates an individual who is a recognized icon in the BC technology ecosystem. An acknowledged leader who has demonstrated business success in multiple settings, is a mentor and role model to others and who actively engages with the community to build a stronger future for tech in BC.