
Ensuring the collective voice of our members is heard

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BC Tech is dedicated to three things:

  • Advocating on behalf of BC’s Tech sector
  • Supporting more BC Tech companies to grow and scale into the anchor companies of tomorrow
  • Attracting more talent into tech and increasing the diversity of BC’s tech talent pool

BC Tech works closely with government officials across a range of ministries and at all levels (municipal, provincial and federal) to promote the importance of BC’s tech sector and its contribution to economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness in BC and Canada. BC Tech’s policy recommendations are the result of a robust research and consultation process with stakeholders across the tech community, business, government, educational institutions, and partner organizations.  BC Tech’s policy recommendations aim to tackle the twin challenges of Talent and Scale that constrain growth below BC’s enormous potential.

Read our most recent quarterly advocacy newsletter here.

The Honourable Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation speaks at the 2023 Technology Impact Awards

Jack Newton, CEO of Clio, on BC’s Tech Ecosystem

Zac Cohen, COO of Trulioo, shares the advantages of BC’s Talent Pool.

Jill Tipping, CEO of BC Tech, shares why it is important to turn startups into scaleups.


April 2024 – Federal Budget Reaction


February 2024 – Provincial Budget Reaction


Myths & Realities in BC’s Tech Sector

BC Tech Policy Recommendations – October 2022

A New Economic Narrative for BC – Report 1

 A New Economic Narrative for BC – Report 2

A New Economic Narrative for BC – Report 3


A New Economic Narrative for BC – Report 4

February 2022 – A New Economic Narrative – Advancing BC’s Manufacturing Sector

policy recommendations

August 2020 – BC Tech Policy Recommendations

policy recommendations

September 2022 – BC Tech Policy Recommendations

policy recommendations

April 2020 – BC Tech Policy Recommendations

labour supply and demand

July 2022 – Labour Supply & Demand in the Tech Sector

BlogPost_Policy Reco

January 2019 – BC Tech Policy Recommendations

BlogPost_Policy Reco

November 2020 – BC Tech Policy Recommendations

Our Plan

BC Tech is proud to present our latest policy recommendations.

Based on the data presented in the 2020 BC Technology Report Card, our recommendations aim to tackle the twin challenges of Talent and Scale that currently constrain growth below BC’s enormous potential.

BC Tech’s policy recommendations are the result of a robust research and consultation process with stakeholders across the tech community and stakeholders across business, government, educational institutions, and partner organizations.

Policy Development

Developing the BC Tech policy framework to guide policy efforts. We conduct our policy development process with one goal in mind: to create the political and economic conditions that will make BC the best place to grow and scale a tech company. To us, that includes scaling tech companies, expanding our market share and attracting increasing amounts of capital and talent—globally and locally.

We consult extensively with the BC Tech community, industry leaders across sectors, education institutions, investors and government colleagues. The outcomes of these initiatives guide our ongoing policy framework process that outlines recommendations to shape and grow BC’s tech sector.

Ecosystem Engagement

Leveraging our community for insights and direction. We seek to improve engagement and coordination across the expanding tech ecosystem, working with numerous stakeholders who each play a crucial role in growing the sector.

Our goal is to shape a positive narrative around tech in BC and Canada, together. We believe tech ecosystems are shaped by strong communities—in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. After all, it takes a strong community to grow a truly successful tech company.

Government Relations

Building relationships to ensure government buy-in and cooperation. We work closely with government officials (elected and non-elected) across a range of ministries and at all levels (municipal, provincial and federal) to promote the importance of the sector and its contribution to economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness in BC and Canada.

For more information or to learn more, please contact us.