BC Tech Scholarship

Supporting the future of tech in BC.

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Investing in the future of the local workforce is one of the keys to success for the BC technology sector; this includes the students, programs, and institutions that help make that happen. Established in 2005, the industry-funded BC Tech Scholarship is proud to provide grants to students who have a proven passion for technology, a desire to leave a mark in the tech sector, and are pursuing a post-secondary education in a technology-related program.

Eligible disciplines include Engineering, Computer Science, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Cleantech, IT & Applied Technology, Business & Technology Management, Product Management, Digital Media, and other technical programs.

Scholarship winners are invited to join us at the Technology Impact Awards gala on June 1, 2018, where you will be recognized on stage for your achievements.

2018 Grant Amounts

  • Up to 3 x $3,500 for current University and College students
  • Up to 3 x $2,500 for Grade 12 graduates entering post-secondary

Scholarship Criteria

University and College applicants must:

  • Show passion for the technology sector, involvement in the tech community, and desire to leave a mark in the future of technology;
  • Be a full-time student continuing studies in September 2018 at a publicly funded, BC-based post-secondary educational institution in a minimum 2-year program;
  • Be a permanent resident, landed immigrant or citizen of Canada;
  • Have a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Graduating Grade 12 applicants must:

  • Show passion for the technology sector, involvement in the tech community, and desire to leave a mark in the future of technology;
  • Be accepted into a publicly funded, BC-based post-secondary educational institution in a minimum 2-year program beginning September 2018;
  • Be a permanent resident, landed immigrant or citizen of Canada;
  • Have a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Bill Tam Scholarship

Applications for the Bill Tam Scholarship are now closed.

Application Content

To apply for the BC Tech Scholarship, you will need to prepare and provide the following:

  • Proof of enrollment / post-secondary acceptance letter; Academic transcripts;
  • 2 reference letters addressed to the BC Tech Association;
  • A copy of your current resume;
  • An essay (max. 1000 words) describing:
    • Your experiences, passion, and involvement in the technology sector
    • Your academic achievements
    • Your career aspirations
    • How this scholarship will help you to achieve your goals

Preparing your Application

To submit your application, please fill out our online application form. Applications can not be saved and must be completed in one sitting. Refreshing the page midway will result in a lost of inputted data. We recommend preparing your responses ahead of time then copy & pasting them into the form when you are ready to submit.

Deadline to Apply: 11:59 PM Friday May 4, 2018

Time left to apply…


Applications are now closed

Grant recipients will be notified on or before Monday, May 14, 2018. (Due to the volume of applicants, only those selected will be contacted.)

Formal award presentation to take place at the Technology Impact Awards on June 1, 2018. (Ability to attend the award presentation does not effect eligibility or chances of winning.)


If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Mok at amok@wearebctech.com