01 Mar 2023 The 2023 Technology Impact Awards (TIAs) Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation
Applications for the 2023 Technology Impact Awards are now open!
The TIAs celebrate outstanding companies and individuals who have made a significant impact on the BC tech industry. And as BC Tech celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Technology Impact Awards, this year’s awards will be especially exciting as we look back at the last 30 years of innovation in BC – what a journey it has been!
As BC’s largest member-led technology non-profit in the Province, BC Tech is proud to have played a part in the journey of so many BC tech icons and success stories. Each year, through the TIAs, we are thrilled to celebrate the companies who have made it their mission to make BC the best place to grow and scale a tech company. This year, we will be recognizing achievements in following award categories:
Innovators Hall of Fame
In this 30th anniversary year for BC Tech, we are thrilled to establish the Innovators Hall of Fame in partnership with the Government of British Columbia. This award recognizes the key role of innovation to BC’s economy and the leaders that have left a legacy on this province, enriching our technology and innovation ecosystem and building a stronger BC economy. Nominations open 15 March 2023.
Company of the Year – Startup
This award acknowledges an early-stage technology company that has brought something novel and impactful to the market, that is generating revenue, attracting team members and creating significant buzz in BC’s tech ecosystem. Applications are open for each of 10 finalist spots.
Company of the Year – Growth
This award acknowledges a high growth company demonstrating outstanding performance and potential to grow further. With revenue and employee count growing year on year it is exceeding expectations of its investors and is a growth role model for BC’s tech ecosystem.
Company of the Year – Scale
This award acknowledges a scaleup success tech company that is an emerging leader and role model in the BC technology industry. Winners of this award will likely continue to grow to become the next anchors of BC’s tech ecosystem.
Company of the Year – Anchor
This award acknowledges a company that is an established leader in the BC technology industry. Winners of this award exemplify financial, strategic, and product or service excellence, and are widely recognized as anchors of BC’s tech ecosystem.
Gamechanger – Ambition
The winner of this award will showcase their unique BC success story and the ambition that they have harnessed to do something truly great. This award recognizes the spirit of BC’s tech sector to tackle big problems, lead from the front and use tech to build a better future!
Gamechanger – Diversity & Inclusion
This award recognized an organization/company in the tech sector who has gone above and beyond to make a game changing difference on Diversity & Inclusion, which is critically important to BC’s Tech sector.
Gamechanger – Climate Leadership
This award recognizes a company that is showing climate leadership through a product, service, campaign or initiative, strengthening and advancing BC’s reputation for climate leadership.
Excellence in Industry Innovation
This award acknowledges the positive impact technology adoption is having on everything from increasing productivity to address labour shortages to improving product quality and reducing environmental impact. Technology is changing how companies work across all industries.
Excellence in Company Culture
This award acknowledges a company whose culture is fundamental to the success of their business. Their culture has a direct correlation to accelerating growth & and profitability, inspiring their teams to outstanding performance and building loyalty with customers.
2023 BC Tech Scholarship
Investing in the future of tech talent is one of the keys to success for the BC’s economy. BC Tech’s industry-funded Scholarship Program provides grants to students with a proven passion for technology, a desire to leave a mark in the tech sector and pursuing a post-secondary technology-related program.