05 Nov 2020 Technology Impact Awards 2020
Technology Impact Awards celebrate a stirring year of grit, growth and compassion
Meet the companies, sponsors and leaders building the BC Tech community amid unprecedented adversity
VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 5, 2020 — Proudly announced by the non-profit BC Tech Association (BC Tech) earlier today, the 11 winners of the 2020 Technology Impact Awards (TIAs) highlight the provincial tech sector’s instrumental role in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting recovery.
The TIAs’ first-ever virtual gala broke new ground in several other ways:
- BC Tech’s most important annual fundraiser was free to attend thanks to the generous support of Platinum Sponsors CIBC and Telus, Gold Sponsors Finning Digital and KPMG, and the award sponsors and other partners listed with the winners below. Indeed, the resilience of the entire tech community was reflected by sponsors’ enduring commitment during challenging times.
- The gala divided the award categories into three distinct parts – origin, growth and legacy – so as to tell the stories of the unprecedented challenges and triumphs of 2020.
- The “Spirit of BC Tech” award embraced the event’s “Purpose” theme, which was particularly fitting given the extensive pandemic-related work being done by the BC Tech community.
- The gala drew an international audience of over 800 – the largest in its 27-year history – with viewers following the festivities from dozens of cities and towns ranging from Langley to London to Los Gatos, California.
“With members of the tech community having more reasons than ever to feel proud of their accomplishments, it was thrilling to share this pride with so many people,” said BC Tech President and CEO Jill Tipping, who co-hosted the TIAs with Riaz Meghji, Founder of Every Conversation Counts.
The Origin Story
As Tipping explained, Part One of the gala focused on companies that “are powered by purpose and break new ground, embracing what it means to ‘think different.’”
- SkyHive, Spirit of BC Tech – Purpose
Presented in partnership with Safe Software, this award celebrates companies that demonstrate how purpose inspired them to start their business, and how it guides them to overcome challenges, solve problems, and achieve excellence with innovative solutions.
- Terramera, Excellence in Technology Innovation.
Presented in partnership with MDA, this award acknowledges a company whose technology clearly demonstrates next-level innovation and a breakthrough solution with significant market impact.
- NZ Technologies, Company of the Year – Startup Success
Presented in partnership with Microsoft, this award acknowledges an early-stage technology company that has brought something novel and impactful to the market, that is generating revenue, attracting team members and generating significant buzz in BC’s tech ecosystem.
- Finning, Excellence in Technology Adoption
Presented in partnership with Accenture, this award acknowledges the impact technology adoption can have to significantly improve performance, competitiveness, productivity and employee engagement.
The Growth Story
The virtual gala’s three-part story continued with a celebration of companies that persevere and have the ambition to build something exceptional. The winners:
- Klue, Company of the Year – Growth Success
Presented in partnership with Osler, this award acknowledges a high growth company demonstrating outstanding performance and potential to grow further. With revenue and employee count growing year on year it is exceeding expectations of its investors and has the potential to become a leader in its market. It is a growth role model for BC’s tech ecosystem.
- Trulioo, Company of the Year – Scale Success
Presented in partnership with Clio, this award acknowledges a scaleup success tech company that is an emerging leader and role model in the BC technology industry. Winners of this award will likely continue to grow to become the next anchors of BC’s tech ecosystem.
- Copperleaf, Tech Culture of the Year
Presented in partnership with SAP – last year’s winner in this category – this award acknowledges a company whose culture is fundamental to the success of their business, accelerating growth and profitability and deepening the positive impact they have on the ecosystem and community. Nominees in this category may be at any stage of lifecycle (startup, growth, scale, anchor).
- AbCellera, Excellence in Global Export
Presented in partnership Export Development Canada, this award acknowledges a technology company that is succeeding on the world stage through the export of technology developed in BC.
The Legacy Story
The final leg of the TIAs 2020 journey celebrated companies and individuals that lead in a way that inspires not only their teams but our whole community, building the foundation of BC’s future economy.
- Unbounce, GameChanger: Diversity and Inclusion
Presented in partnership with PwC, this award recognizes those who go above and beyond to successfully move the needle on Diversity and Inclusion.
- Jack Newton, Person of the Year
Presented in partnership with BDC, this award celebrates a leader who has demonstrated business success in multiple settings, is a mentor and role model to others, and who actively engages with the community to build a stronger future for tech in BC.
- Telus, Company of the Year Anchor Success
Presented in partnership with EY, this award acknowledges a company that is an established leader in the BC technology industry, and is widely recognized as an anchor of BC’s tech ecosystem.
Other partners that contributed to the success of the 2020 TIAs included Business in Vancouver, Digital Technology Supercluster, Gowling, Harbour Air, Low Tide Properties, Lyft, MNP and Switchboard PR.
BC Tech previously announced six TIAs Scholarship recipients on August 26. This marked the 15th year that BC Tech has supported high-school and post-secondary students in pursuing careers in technology and innovation.
“Grounded in purpose, our ecosystem is tackling the biggest challenges of our time,” Tipping said in closing. “As we work to make B.C. the best place to grow and scale a tech company and advance tech adoption in every industry, the community’s grit and passion have given new meaning to our annual celebration of the change makers, the up-and-comers, the innovators and the bold.”
About the BC Tech Association
Making B.C. the best place to grow and scale a tech company has been the mission of the BC Tech Association since 1993. While our members focus on growing their businesses, BC Tech has been providing opportunities for our industry members to collaborate, learn, and grow together. We are dedicated to connecting companies, developing talent, and advocating so our industry and our province thrive. To learn more visit www.wearebctech.com.
Media Contact
Karli Leitl
T: 778-401-6040
E: media@wearebctech.com