23 Jan 2018 Spotlight on SPARK
This week’s Spotlight on Tech features SPARK Creations, a fun filled team of passionate individuals that help companies align their purpose with that of their employees. Read on to find out about their recent achievements!
Describe your company and your primary product(s) and/or service(s).
SPARK is a training and development organization that inspires people and companies to create meaningful cultures and workplaces. We partner with organizations to provide services such as: strategic culture visioning and leadership program development. Watch co-founder Lorie Corcuera speaking at DisruptHR Vancouver on the power of love in the workplace.
How many employees currently work at your company?
We are 7 “SPARKners” strong but collectively we collaborate with hundreds of industry leaders each year.
Where are you located?
We are physically located in Vancouver, BC and the Philippines, and we also travel to work with clients or connect remotely.
Describe the culture at your company.
The SPARK core values of love, connection and fun make up the essence of who we are and what matters to us most: our team, our community and the leaders we interact with every day. Our purpose is creating and inspiring loving human connections both at work and at home.
What does your leadership team (and company as a whole) do to support/grow that culture?
We lead by example. We love our team, we connect weekly and we have a lot of fun doing it. We achieve this through quarterly retreats, social gatherings and a group chat where we each share a daily GIST (gratitude, intention, support, true statement).
When your employees talk about your company, what do they brag about?
The LOVE that is shared among our team.
The CONNECTION and respect we have within our business and leadership community.
And how much FUN we have doing what we do.
Describe your most recent achievement/ milestone as a company. How did your team celebrate it?
We recently celebrated our 6 year anniversary! We are also grateful for being recognized as 2015 Small Business of BC Community Impact Top 5 Companies and raising almost $20K for Dress for Success Vancouver through our SPARK It Forward Race, where volunteers shared over 2,500 random acts of kindness in 3 hours.
Are you hiring? Why should a candidate apply to your company? What are the benefits of working for you?
We are always looking for Culture Creators and Collaborators to help us spread the SPARK worldwide! Being a Culture Creator allows you the freedom to live out your personal and career vision, with the support of seasoned leadership development professionals. And have we mentioned that we have a lot of fun?
Who is the ideal employee for your company?
Our ideal SPARKner loves people, appreciates connection and likes to have fun. They want to make our world’s leaders more people-focused, one organization at a time. Bonus points if they are a fans of Simon Sinek, Brené Brown and Oprah.
What is your company goal for the coming year?
Our purpose is creating and inspiring loving human connections at work and at home. Our focus will be to build a strong community of culture leaders through our SPARK Play events as well as launch our SPARK Lead to Learn Program, where SPARK donates partial investments from each individual client to support the education of students locally and globally.
Tell us an interesting fact/memorable moment/ funny story about your company.
During one of strategy sessions, we decided to redesign the experience. Before we started visioning, we recorded a dance video just for fun! In the video, we shared messages of our core values. For us, it’s important that we are creating WOW experiences every moment of our lives. Check out our video here. Inspired Action: Reflect on your current day to day workplace experiences. How can you make it more meaningful? Then implement one of your ideas today!