05 Apr 2016 Spotlight on Beanworks
This week’s Spotlight on Tech features Beanworks, a cloud-based, accounts payable automation solution. They help companies streamline their invoice-to-payment strategies by eliminating paperwork and fostering collaboration in the accounting process.
Describe your company and your primary product(s) and/or service(s).
Beanworks is dedicated to the ongoing innovation of the accounting process. As an accounts payable automation solution, we help companies get from invoice to payment faster at a fraction of traditional AP processing costs. Our software, BeanworksAP, helps accounting teams work smarter by eliminating paper and using more strategic accounting in their business.
How many employees currently work at your company?
We currently have 16 members on our team (and growing!).
Where are you located?
Beanworks HQ is located at the heart of Gastown, easily accessible by transit, bike, or foot. Our team is sometimes subjected to the “Bean 15” – the struggle is real when it comes to eating all the delicious culinary options that surround the office. We also have remote team members from coast-to-coast in Victoria and Montreal.
Describe the culture at your company.
Bean culture is guided by our core values including Teamwork, Never Give Up, Build Strong Relationships, Beantrepreneurism, Stay Healthy, Exceed Expectations, and Keep Business Fun. We also have a very strong emphasis on providing employment opportunities to women in tech.
What does your leadership team (and company as a whole) do to support/grow that culture?
Our team is very focused on bringing our values into everything we do. From our daily huddles where we update and check in with each other to our close-knit relationships with our clients we are always striving to provide the best product and experience – and we do that by working collectively towards our goals, everyday.
When your employees talk about your company, what do they brag about?
Our management team is 85% female which demonstrates our true commitment to helping women break into the tech industry. Our central location and fully stocked kitchen is also a big hit with the team.
Describe your most recent achievement, milestone, reason for bragging rights.
We are now the only Canadian cloud-based AP automation solution that provides document-centric workflow from procurement to electronic payment – both domestically and cross border. We just finished our most successful quarter to date and there is plenty is store for the rest of 2016!
What kinds of roles are you hiring for?
Currently we are growing both our sales and dev teams. Click here to learn more.
What kinds of people are you looking for?
Must love Peanut M&M’s, Noodlebox, and sushi (you could say we like to eat here). An accounting background is definitely a plus.
What is your company goal for the coming year?
In 2016 we will be having a product launch and taking over another floor of our office building to make room for more Beans. We’re looking forward to a very exciting and fast-paced year!
To learn more about Beanworks, visit www.beanworks.com.
To read more Spotlight on Tech features, click here.
If you’d like us to shine the spotlight on your company, email hello@wearebctech.com today!