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Driving sustainable and profitable business growth requires the right mindset, strategy, and capabilities.

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BC Tech Dragons are industry experts, innovators and seasoned entrepreneurs, who are committed to helping BC Tech members to grow and scale. Find out more about our Dragon’s Top Tips here.

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Photo of Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

Former Executive Vice President & Chief Digital Officer Finning Digital

Company info

Within Finning Dave leads the global digital and technology functions, including the teams working on technology performance solutions, information systems, and operations excellence. He is also an independent director and currently serves on the board of the Canadian TSX listed Company ATS Automation. Dave is passionate about the possibilities of technology. His focus is bridging technology and the talent that creates it, with the opportunities within traditional business models. Originally from England, Dave has spent the bulk of his career in the energy industry and over the past three decades has had the opportunity to work on numerous international assignments. Dave was educated in the UK where he earned his MBA in business management and a Bachelor of Science.