Innovation Island Technology Association (IITA) is a regional partner of the BC Acceleration Network. We deliver the Innovate BC, Venture Acceleration Program (VAP) to Island communities outside of greater Victoria, including the Gulf Islands and the Sunshine Coast. IITA also facilitates other programs such as the DER3 Program (created and launched on Vancouver Island) and other Innovate BC Programs to qualifying clients and applicants including programs and services for NRC-IRAP. Our mission is to support entrepreneurs to start and grow technology companies by providing them with programs and resources they need to succeed. We support business and entrepreneurs build, grow and stay.
As the regional voice for technology entrepreneurship, IITA is proud of our client achievements and is dedicated to expanding these results over the region and coming years; since VAP start in FY-2014, 190+ new tech-based jobs have been created by our client companies ~ over $25 million of new revenue has been generated and this has attracted over $10 million of early-stage technology investment. For the past 20 years, Innovation Island has been instrumental in fostering and encouraging growth in the regional technology sector. With our expertise and network of contacts, Innovation Island is the go-to place for tech entrepreneurs ready to take things to the next level. From connecting with our EiRs, getting advice on your innovation or tech “idea” attending regional events or taking on a student to help get your venture rolling, we’ve got you covered!