Mangata Apothecary

407-15400 Croydon Dr Surrey BC V3S 0R7 Work Phone: 778 798 7833
Photo of Mangata Apothecary

Biographical Info

Mangata Apothecary is a female owned brand of health and wellness products that have been growing in popularity! Given the chance to audition for Dragon’s Den in 2022 and just this month again, we have begun to attract attention as our skin and body care products are unique (facial steams, herbal balms, aromatherapy based rollers, bath teas…) and effective. Each product was originally crafted by midwife-turned-herbalist Stefanie (CEO/Founder) and safe for families. We boast CertClean and Leaping Bunny Certifications.

Categories: Advanced Manufacturing
Updated 7 months ago.