Funding Awarded for BC Supercluster

Today, we join with technology leaders across Canada in celebration of the five successful supercluster bids including the BC-born Digital Technology Supercluster.

It’s important to remember—amidst all of the delight and celebrations—that this success was not guaranteed. It took the imagination, determination, diplomacy, and hard work of a few brave souls who chose to lean in and bring the community together in pursuit of a greater purpose.

They worked tirelessly to build a coalition that brought to life in tangible form the values that unite our BC tech community: Be of service. Pay it forward.  Succeed together.

Today all of us at BC Tech salute the visionary founding corporate partners of the successful BC born supercluster—Telus and Microsoft. We salute the leadership of UBC and the other participating BC post-secondary institutions. And most of all we salute the co-chairs of the supercluster campaign:  Greg Caws, President of the Premier’s Technology Council and the former President and CEO of BC Tech, Bill Tam.

This is your legacy. Thank you.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has”  – Margaret Mead. 

Find out more about today’s funding announcement and Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster

-Jill Tipping, President & CEO of BC Tech.