15 Jun 2021 Aspire to Tech – Recruit N Refer
Member Spotlight
We are a B2B platform to replace the traditional recruitment process – but more importantly, to eliminate the hurdles and hassles that can come with talent acquisition. On the surface, RNR might sound like any other job website. But the crucial difference is that our positions are only visible to vetted, specialized recruiters who submit candidates through RNR’s platform.
What is the big problem your company is tackling? What are you most proud of in terms of company milestones?
At RNR, we are revolutionising recruitment by embracing technology. The traditional recruitment process involves many contracts, manual labour, and a flood of emails between the employer and multiple recruiters. RNR’s innovative technology manages clients job postings and recruiters all under one roof.
Challenge: Many recruiters have been using the same processes for years and years. We have found it difficult encouraging recruiters to embrace technology.
How would you describe your company culture? What are three words that would use to describe your company?
Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Focused.
What is it like to work at your company? Why is it a great place to work?
We encourage and support our team to succeed from day one. When an employee meets one of their goals, they get the chance to choose the team lunch for that day.
In their own words – what do your employees say?
We are always looking for experienced recruiters to join our network. Learn more.