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Photo of Ayden Corporate Development Group

Ayden Corporate Development Group

Website: Ayden Corporate Development Group

Company info

AYDEN CDG is in the business of developing companies, growth initiatives and new ventures in the technology and social impact sectors. With a specialization in pioneering ecosystem development, we develop solutions to advance new technologies, companies and entire industries. We do this through in-house projects or by providing enabling technologies and services to partners, collaborators and clients. Although our main interest is in developing new ventures, we do also provide advisory, interim management and shadow management services and deal-finding services under a number of flexible work arrangements. – Contracts, Retainers & Contingency – Partnering & Exchange of Services At this stage, we are focused on building out our practice in Blockchain and Blockchain adjacent technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics, as well as robotics. Our current sector focus is on Healthcare, Supply Chain and Space.